Comfortable fitness club with business format. There is a full assortmant of Technogym equipment in the Reforma fitness club. The most represented line of eqipment are SELECTION, Excite CLIMB


Born with the experience of 7 Olympic Games, Selection range features the new UNITY™ MINI connected interface for superior strength training performance and results. Discover how it will change the way you train forever.

SELECTION features UNITYTM MINI, the new virtual coach for strength training on selectorized machines. Thanks to its advanced biofeedback and exercise guidance, it provides the most effective and engaging workouts on the market. Fully connected, it automatically pushes your training data to your mywellness® cloud account.


What makes Excite® CLIMB so unique is the SPLIT STEP TECHNOLOGY (patent pending). Developed by Technogym®’s R&D Department, this breakthrough transforms the stair climber into one of the most sought-after pieces of cardio equipment on the gym floor, thanks to its welcoming design, ease of use and effectiveness.

Smallest footprint on the market

Excite® CLIMB was designed to provide the widest climbing space within the smallest footprint — only 1 sqm/10 sq ft — enabling you to fit more equipment and users in a given space.

Lowest height on the market

The reduced height (189 cm/74 in) is not only less intimidating, but it also adapts well to ceiling height limitations
and blends nicely with lower height